
Showing posts from July, 2017

Masaya's Presentation on his Home Country, Japan

For our individual assignment under the Intercultural Communication course, Dr Massila instructed us to pick a country and analyze its culture in the intercultural context. Each week, we had 2 to 3 students present the country they chose. Masaya Ono, our Japanese exchange student, chose his home country - you can view his presentation in the video above.

Culture Shock

by Nur 'Amirah Amran What do we know about culture shock? Is it something you should be afraid of or learn in your life? How about the journey you make when you visit another country? Can you survive with the culture that will turn your life upside down? Everything will be revealed below here. Let the journey begin. When we talk about culture shock, some people might think this could be one of the biggest jokes in their life because not everything they want would be available in certain countries. Most of the people that were afraid in the first stage, end up learning so many good things about culture shock. The most important thing to remember when you leave home is to be open to new experiences. Sometimes, it can really open your eyes, your mind and your heart about the beautiful journeys in different cultures. When you learn about it, it will create a love deep inside your heart and you will miss the moments you experienced in the country you visited. Trust

The Uniqueness of Culture in Malaysia

By Mohd Harrith Fadhillah Risman I believed that everyone had experienced travelling to many places either in their own country or the others. I trust that there are numerous essential angles with travelling. I realize that not everybody has this open door, but rather on the off chance that you do, grasp it. Travelling can build up a man's character, being receptive. You’re not encased in your air pocket and you get outside of your usual range of familiarity. Travelling is something you can't learn in a classroom. As a traveller, you find new lovely, fascinating spots that make you need to return and you encounter distinctive societies that you didn't know about. "We never realize what we have until we lose it." Maybe as it were, travelling can be seen as the brilliant chance to "escape" from reality, from our bustling every day lives. Toward the begin of an excursion, every one of my stresses and issues start to vanish. In any case, then, aft